Thursday, December 13, 2007

running squares

Sir has said I am finally starting to impress him so I better not fuck up. He has me do my warm up of 100 situps (4 second intervals) and 50 pushups (2 minute allowance) I got off to a bad start when I missed the mark by 5 pushups, sir then hands me two 1KG dumbbells and tells me to run the 2.5 km course, he will be waiting at the end. I try to pace myself and go as fast as I can, I thought I did well but at the end sir tells me I was a minute over my best time. And still 3 minutes outside the accepted army time. He tells me that I will be punished for this, he sets up a square out of markers, 3 markers to a side, and 5 meters between each marker. He tells me to run from one marker to the next then jog from that marker to the next one. Which will then bring me to a corner, he tells me that at each corner I am to drop and do 10 pushups and 20 situps, he tells me that I am going to do this course till I can no longer stand. I manage two corners before I collapse, sir comes over and fully boots me in the ribs which hurts like hell and tells me to finish the course. I manage to finish it and then he ties a tire around my waist with 3 meters of slack between me and the tire, he tells me that if the tire knocks over any markers he will be sitting on it and I will be dragging them both. The tire has to fully clear the corners as well. So I am back to sprint and then jogging. It is not long before I collapse in exhaustion and even sir booting me in the ribs again can not get me up. He tells me that I am not progressing at a pace he is pleased with, and he will be increasing the intensity of the workouts until I reach a level that satisfies him.


While I am waiting for sir in the park he messages me and tells me to head to the carpark. I see his truck parked there and go over, he tells me to hop in and I do so. He tells me that we’re going to play a little game called fox and the hare, and that I am the hare. I am a little nervous at this point. Particularly when I realize where he is headed. There is a hill near the city (called a hill but its 5m shy of being a mountain) that is very popular for people to use to walk, run, jog, cycle and generally workout on. It also has a number of unsealed tracks that you can take to the summit. Sir pulls up near the start of one of these tracks and tells me I have a 5 min head start, if he catches me it will be 30 pushups for me, and if he gets back to the car more then 3mins ahead of me, I will be walking the 10k’s back to the park to get my car.

He says go and I jump out and start up the track, I am really nervous now, because not only do I not know the track so not sure how I should pace myself, but like I said this is a very popular track and there are heaps of people on it. So getting around them is very hard. I manage to push past a lot of people and earn a few nasty comments for my trouble but I am more concerned with the fact that there is a guy hot on my tail rather then pissing off strangers. The last part of the track is 5 full minutes of steep stairs. By the time I get to the top I am stuffed for not pacing myself properly since I had no idea of the upcoming terrain. I start down the hill on the road. I am walking at first cause I am still exhausted but since I know sir knows the track and is fitter then me he will probably be not far behind me so I force myself to start jogging. I manage to jog the whole way down. Can just see the car when I hear someone coming up behind me, I look over my shoulder and see sir coming up fast, I manage to put in one last sprint and make it to the car before he catches me. he tells me he is impressed and was sure that he would have been driving off without me, he tells me that we will be doing this again one time, but next time I will only have a 4 minute head start and I will be carrying weights.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Next training session I arrive at the designated area and am waiting doing my stretches like sir has shown me. Sir pulls up and gets out, goes to the back of his truck and pulls out a whole armful of army gear which he comes over and dumps at my feet, he hands me a pair of army pants and tells me to go change into them in a nearby toilet block. When I come back he tells me since my times where so bad last time I will be building up resistance over the next few weeks so that I will be able to go faster. He then tells me to strap on the army webbing and do my pushups with it on. This was damn hard and sir was standing close to me so that he could boot me in the side without anyone noticing, if I staying on the ground to long.

Once these where done sir had me stand up and go to the signpost we use as the starting marker for our runs, he then handed me a large square piece of metal pipe with a handle on it and told me that this was the same weight as a rifle, and used to simulate them in practise runs. He then told me I was to run 5k with all this gear and he would be running beside me to ‘encourage’ me. the 5k with the ‘gun’ and the webbing with waterbottles and stuff hanging from it was so damn hard. And he was beside me telling me if I didn’t run faster he would make me do more pushups. When we got back to the park he finally let me take the webbing off and set up the markers for more sprints, I only managed to do the first 3 out of 12 before I collapsed and after a LOT of boot prodding and yelling sir finally gave up. He told me to head to his place and be lying under his computer desk ready to be his footstool when he got there, so I had to lie with my knees scrunched up and cramping while he rested his feet on my chest making it hard to breathe for the next 2 hours. He finally let me go with a warning to do better next time.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Rock up to the designated spot, sir tells me to stretch, starts telling me what he is going to do. Tells me he is going to access my fitness level and then we will work on it from there. First I am shown the proper timed military positions for sit ups and pushups, the timed situps I have to do 1 every 4 seconds, I managed to do the required 100. the pushups I failed, the required number was 60 in 2mins and I only managed 20. Sir then sent me on a 2.5k run, he told me the path to take and then warned me that any shortcuts would result in all future runs being uphill. I missed the accepted completion time by 3mins. For the time being there is no penalties for missing the targets but there will be down the track. Once I finished the run I arrived back to the park to find that he had set up 12 markers about 4 meters apart. I had to do some warm down stretches and then had to run, from the start to the first marker, and then back to the start, and then to the second marker and then back to start and so on. After I completed this I threw up. Sir laughed. Then I had to jog from one marker to the next and then sprint to the next marker then jog again then sprint. And then at the end do 20 pushups. And then jog/sprint back to the start. Finally I had to repeat this but with a wheel tied around my waist. The wheel had to clear the last marker before I was aloud to turn around and head back so there was a fair bit of rope between me and the wheel. When I returned to start I had to do 40sit ups. Sir left me telling me he expected me to do better next time and to do all my warm down stretches

Friday, November 23, 2007


this is the scene i am promised down the track, its what started all of this.

You come do a workout with me at my gym (can go in off-peak time so there is really no one around and if we get you a clipboard and a shirt with a logo or something everyone will just think you’re a PT) push me pretty hard, and make sure to have a water bottle on hand that you have prepped earlier, a happy mix of piss and water, that your gonna encourage me to drink, with no one having any idea that I am swigging back your piss in the middle of a gym (you gotta admit that is pretty cool, obviously the water bottle is not gonna be clear.) your gonna need to do a work out to, either just a cardio session at the end or something but I need you to sweat, I also need you to be wearing undies, and socks that you have worn for 2-3 days. If your majorly against being seen with me at the gym pick a park somewhere and work out some exercise routines to run me through to work up a sweat.

When workout is done we head back to the hotel. When we get there we will head to a room that has been prepped, i.e fridge stocked with cold drinks, aircon on, dvd player and some movies ect. First thing you do is make me kneel with hands behind my head still in my gym gear, while you jump in the shower, I have to suck on your jock and socks while you shower. When you hop out nice and refreshed your then gonna have me dress in rubber gear head to toe. This till include gasmask that your gonna hold the socks over every now and again to make sure I have to cop the smell of them. I will then put my ball weights on, will either have the boot and some rocks, or a bucket and some water, but basically your gonna make me stand against a wall while you weigh down my nuts and tell me how unhappy you are with my work out, (unless I actually managed to impress you, then just general humiliation about being your bitch will be fine) chill and enjoy some TV at this point, having me fetch you a drink or two in the process. When you have felt I have suffered enough of this (minimum time 15mins) come over, take off the mask have me kneel and make me swear to do better to serve you. The main thing is dominance, I want you to put me in my place, I am kneeling there with aching balls still hot and sore after my work out and now sweating my butt off in rubber, and I wanna know your in charge. The bucket or boots come off the ball weight stays on and now you use me as footrest to rub and suck your toes and fetch you drinks while you watch tv/movie/porn whatever, if you have me rubbing you down or something make sure I am sucking on your undies or socks or something. And tease me about how nice and cool you are and comfy not being in hot rubber gear. Have me rim and suck you. And then have me put my mask back on and sit on a chair, beforehand I will have frozen some keys in ice blocks chain me to the chair and use the open padlocks to lock me to it. Place the ice blocks in a bowl on my lap and then you leave and I am still stuck like that till the ice melts.

will try and pop some pics of this up, when it gets done.

Thursday, November 22, 2007


He already knew my boot size from past sessions, and had a spare pair of Australian army boots, he brought them around today and I got to try them on. As expected they fitted fine. He then told me to put on my ball weights and put the O-ring screws in it. I did so, he handed me each boot and told me to hang them off the weight, I did this and then had to place my hands behind my head. He set the boots swinging, and then started picking each boot up individually and dropping them. He is being this fricken evil before we even start the work outs!! So I can only imagine how much of a prick he is going to be in the actual sessions!

Finally I had to get down on my hands and knees, he looped the boots and laces around the leg of a chair and then had me crawl forward till they where tugging big time on my nuts, he then put a collar on me and started to face fuck me, he did this by standing so the tip of his cock was just in front of my face and then pulling me onto his cock by the collar, my nuts where in agony in no time, especially when he picked up the pace!!

Apparently the sensation of me groaning in pain felt great on his cock, (yay for me) so I am guessing its gonna happen again down the track! I now have a kickass pair of boots, (check the photo, ball weights near it) though I am guessing I am gonna hate the site of them soon enough.

the beginning

The long and the short is that I helped a kinky buddy out. He then told me that I could pick a scene that I wanted to do with him and he would do it. He is a top so usually in scenes I get to make suggestions as to how I want the scene to go, but it ends up going in a total different direction. So being aloud to call all the shots for once rocked! I wrote up a few scenes that I wanted to do, and let him choose from them. One was a forced work out scene, I had recently joined a gym, and wanted him to come and push me pretty hard (he is pretty buff) and then punish me in a more private location later if I failed to please him. I also suggested that I was serious about getting myself in shape and that if he wanted to be my personal trainer I would be happy to pay for a few evil sessions. Not often that you get to work out and have the guy purposely be an arsehole and punish you if you mess up, if this sounds like your usual work out session… then I think you copped a S&M dom for a trainer.

I had not expected him to really get into this, he is pretty private about his fetishes and I thought this would strike him as being a tad on the risky side. Wow was I wrong, he sent me a message the same day telling me that I would need runners and a cammelbak waterpack, he had army gear boots, pants, pack etc that I would need (he is in the military) he then told me he was gonna make me really hurt. About then I decided that there would be plenty of guys out there that would find this pretty hot. And so, the blog is born!