Thursday, December 13, 2007

running squares

Sir has said I am finally starting to impress him so I better not fuck up. He has me do my warm up of 100 situps (4 second intervals) and 50 pushups (2 minute allowance) I got off to a bad start when I missed the mark by 5 pushups, sir then hands me two 1KG dumbbells and tells me to run the 2.5 km course, he will be waiting at the end. I try to pace myself and go as fast as I can, I thought I did well but at the end sir tells me I was a minute over my best time. And still 3 minutes outside the accepted army time. He tells me that I will be punished for this, he sets up a square out of markers, 3 markers to a side, and 5 meters between each marker. He tells me to run from one marker to the next then jog from that marker to the next one. Which will then bring me to a corner, he tells me that at each corner I am to drop and do 10 pushups and 20 situps, he tells me that I am going to do this course till I can no longer stand. I manage two corners before I collapse, sir comes over and fully boots me in the ribs which hurts like hell and tells me to finish the course. I manage to finish it and then he ties a tire around my waist with 3 meters of slack between me and the tire, he tells me that if the tire knocks over any markers he will be sitting on it and I will be dragging them both. The tire has to fully clear the corners as well. So I am back to sprint and then jogging. It is not long before I collapse in exhaustion and even sir booting me in the ribs again can not get me up. He tells me that I am not progressing at a pace he is pleased with, and he will be increasing the intensity of the workouts until I reach a level that satisfies him.

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