Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Next training session I arrive at the designated area and am waiting doing my stretches like sir has shown me. Sir pulls up and gets out, goes to the back of his truck and pulls out a whole armful of army gear which he comes over and dumps at my feet, he hands me a pair of army pants and tells me to go change into them in a nearby toilet block. When I come back he tells me since my times where so bad last time I will be building up resistance over the next few weeks so that I will be able to go faster. He then tells me to strap on the army webbing and do my pushups with it on. This was damn hard and sir was standing close to me so that he could boot me in the side without anyone noticing, if I staying on the ground to long.

Once these where done sir had me stand up and go to the signpost we use as the starting marker for our runs, he then handed me a large square piece of metal pipe with a handle on it and told me that this was the same weight as a rifle, and used to simulate them in practise runs. He then told me I was to run 5k with all this gear and he would be running beside me to ‘encourage’ me. the 5k with the ‘gun’ and the webbing with waterbottles and stuff hanging from it was so damn hard. And he was beside me telling me if I didn’t run faster he would make me do more pushups. When we got back to the park he finally let me take the webbing off and set up the markers for more sprints, I only managed to do the first 3 out of 12 before I collapsed and after a LOT of boot prodding and yelling sir finally gave up. He told me to head to his place and be lying under his computer desk ready to be his footstool when he got there, so I had to lie with my knees scrunched up and cramping while he rested his feet on my chest making it hard to breathe for the next 2 hours. He finally let me go with a warning to do better next time.

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